Category: System Guidelines

About Boxme

A beginner’s guide to our new system

Customers can use Boxme system to easily create a single local/international shipment, CoD shipments, multiple orders or to integrate with other e-commerce platforms’ APIs to

About Boxme

How to handle returned orders

Returned orders are basically delivered orders that designated receivers refuse to collect, causing troublesome afterthoughts and costly added handling processes to both sellers and shippers.

About Boxme

How to receive your CoD payment

To be able to receive your Cash on Delivery (CoD) amount of money, first you need to set up an appropriate payment account for Boxme

About Boxme

How to create orders on Boxme system

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Boxme’s order management page boasts a user-friendly interface, allows for smooth maneuvering and automated archive and identification of warehouse addresses. To get started, simply follow

About Boxme

How to add a new pickup address

In this article, we will provide you with an instruction on how to set up your warehouse into Boxme’s system, or sign up for using

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