Category: News

About Boxme

New year holiday announcement

Christmas and year end are around the corner, 2020 is coming to the last day. It has been a hectic, progressive and promising year of


Vietnam Ecommerce platform: Who to choose?

Vietnam e-commerce has become a bright spot in Southeast Asia in recent years. With a staggering growth rate of 20-25% / year, E-commerce promises to

11.11 marketing campaign
Current Trends

How Malaysia Handled the 11.11 Sale 2020 Campaigns

Ever since its inception, the Chinese holiday-inspired, Single’s Day Sale better known as 11.11 Sale has annually rocked Southeast Asia with excitement and anticipation. Shoppers

About Boxme

Boxme officially launches B2B Fulfillment service

On September 28, 2020, Boxme officially launched B2B Fulfillment service to better support large businesses in goods packaging and delivery to distribution channels. B2B Fulfillment

Looking to Expand your Business to Southeast Asia​?
We have all the resources to help you right here