The map of Vietnam Ecommerce (statistics from iPrice)

The map of Vietnam Ecommerce (statistics from iPrice) 1

2019 is a pivotal year for the entire Vietnam eCommerce industry  when there are specific signs that the market is gradually maturing in many aspects. In 2020, the e-commerce market is met with many changes due to the Covid-19 epidemic. Please read through some information about the e-commerce market in Vietnam 2020. In this article, […]

Vietnam eCommerce is heading for the period 2021 – 2025

Vietnam eCommerce

eCommerce is one of the pioneers of the digital economy, where advanced technology and industrialization applied to assist the business cycle, increase the efficacy of the company’s logistic department, distribution channels, and competition level.  On 15/05, the Vietnamese Prime Minister has announced the publishment of the National development plan of Vietnam eCommerce during the period […]