The Best Ecommerce List in Indonesia 2021

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The competition of e-commercehomeland, is said to be quite competitive once.

Moreover, the competition of these e-commerce giants, indeed makes the map of Indonesian e-commerce change from year to year.

The rise in the prestige of online commerce can not be separated from the role of the COVID-19 pandemic that forced people to switch from conventional to digital systems. From a series of transformed sectors, e-commerce became the main rider of digital economic development in Indonesia.

Until November 2021, Indonesia’s e-commerce rulers are still held by 6 giant companies.

There is Tokopedia’s new merger with Gojek, bukalapak which has recently IPO, Shopee, Lazada, Blibli until

Indeed, later this year, the names Tokopedia and Shopee became two e-commerce names that competed fiercely with many visitors to the site and the number of app downloads.

Here are the 10 e-commerce with the most monthly site visitors in Indonesia:

1. Tokopedia

This unicorn is observed to be crowded with various corporate actions. One of them is the merger with Gojek some time ago to become GoTo. With the merger, public exposure to Tokopedia is increasingly widespread.

In fact, Tokopedia was able to unseat the defending champion since last year, Shopee in the first rank. In the first three months of this year, Tokopedia managed to attract 135.07 million monthly site visitors.

This figure jumped 88.82% from monthly visits in the same period in 2020, which was 71.53 million visitors. However, if pulled back, the number of Tokopedia visits in the first quarter of 2019 was recorded as the highest until this year.

At that time, Tokopedia received 137.20 million monthly visits. As a result, the number of monthly visits tokopedia earlier this year has not been able to compete in the first quarter of 2019.

Meanwhile, ranked in the AppStore, iprice noted Tokopedia is ranked 2nd. While in Playstore is ranked 4th.

In the same period, the number of followers of Tokopedia’s official account on Social Media Twitter was recorded at 807,100, Instagram 3.41 million, Facebook 6.53 million, and has 5,365 employees.

Of course, this result can still change, especially with Tokopedia which has now merged with Gojek and become GoTo. Tokopedia, of course, will further enhance its strategy and strategic cooperation with existing partners.

2. Shopee

Shopee is known to have ruled the number of monthly visits throughout 2020, unfortunately at the beginning of this year had to be shifted slightly to the second rank. Shopee has 124.40 million monthly site visitors.

Despite the slightest outsized, Shopee remains the defending champion in the context of e-commerce rankings in both the AppStore and PlayStore.

The good news, although the rankings are down, but shopee monthly site visitors still grow ciamik. Compared to the first quarter of 2020, the number of monthly visitors rose 73.91% on an annual basis.

At that time, Shopee was already ranked first. The increase in the number of monthly visitors was also recorded since the first quarter of 2019, in that period Shopee has been visited by 71.53 million visitors per month.

Then, in the first quarter of 2021, the number of followers of Shopee’s official account on Social Media Twitter was recorded at 578,000, Instagram 7.65 million, Facebook 21.55 million, and has 10,530 employees.

With that many employees, Shopee is the e-commerce with the largest number of employees in Indonesia.

3. Bukapalak

In the third rank there is Bukapalak,the only e-commerce that has been listed on the stock exchange seems to feel at home in the position it is now. Since last year, Bukalapak ranks third in e-commerce with the most monthly site visitors.

The details, in the first quarter of 2021 amounted to 34.17 million, the second quarter of 2020 amounted to 37.63 million, and in the first quarter of 2019 even reached 115.25 million. From the data three years in a row, Bukapalak experienced a consistent decrease in the number of monthly visits.

Judging from its official social media, Bukalapak has the least e-commerce among its five main competitors. The number of followers of Bukalapak’s official account on social media Twitter was recorded at 206,000, Instagram 1.56 million, Facebook 2.51 million, and has 2,371 employees.

4. Lazada

Perched in the fourth rank there is Lazada with a monthly web visitor number of 30.51 million. Beating the number of visitors, Lazada’s ranking on the AppStore came in third and PlayStore second.

Compared to the first quarter of 2020, Lazada’s monthly visitors increased. In that period, Lazada’s monthly visitors totaled 24.40 million. Again, 2019 became a golden period of a number of e-commerce,Lazada itself recorded the number of monthly visitors up to 52.04 million.

Meanwhile, the number of followers of Lazada’s official account on Social Media Twitter was recorded at 425,000, Instagram 2.91 million, Facebook 31.24 million, and has 3,997 employees.

5. Blibli

Blibli ranks fifth as the e-commerce with the highest number of monthly site visitors in Indonesia. Recorded, Blibli’s monthly visitors in the first quarter of 2021 reached 19.59 million.

In the same period, the number of followers of Blibli’s official account on Social Media Twitter was recorded at 525,300, Instagram 1.59 million, Facebook 8.59 million, and has 1,999 employees.

From the same data, in fact, Blibli’s monthly visits were observed to fall from the first quarter of 2019 to the first quarter of 2021. In the first quarter of 2019, Blibli received 32.59 million monthly site visits.

However, in the first quarter of 2020 only recorded 17.60 million visits. That is, there was a correction of 14.99% year on year (yoy) compared to the same period the previous year.

So that if ditotal, Blibli experienced a decrease in the number of site visits by 39.88% during the period of the first quarter of 2019 to the first quarter of 2021.

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About Boxme: Boxme is the premier E-commerce fulfillment network in Southeast Asia, enabling world-wide merchants to sell online into this region without needing to establish a local presence. We deliver our services by aggregating and operating a one-stop value chain of logistic professions including: International shipping, customs clearance, warehousing, connection to local marketplaces, pick and pack, last-mile delivery, local payment collection and oversea remittance.

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