Should you expand your business to Indonesia?

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For those of you who have a business would want to spread the wings of your business especially in Indonesia. For entrepreneurs in Indonesia, you will want to increase your market to the rest of Indonesia. To expand your market to reach all over Indonesia, you need to have the right strategy for consumers to be interested in your product.

As for entrepreneurs who are outside Indonesia, should you expand your business to Indonesia?

The answer is YES.

You will get a great opportunity if you expand your business wings to Indonesia. You and many others most likely have invested a lot of cost to building your business, developing your brand, doing documentation well, implementing technology, and recruiting the best staff. You have a reason to develop your own business. But in today’s economic environment, the reason for developing a business is like when the best time to do it and doing it in the smartest way is something to consider. Here are some reasons to develop a business in Indonesia that might be best for you.


If your market analysis shows that your products and services are well suited to the needs of the current market in Indonesia, then be prepared to expand your business. If the analysis shows that the market is large and pretty much wants your product at a suitable price, then it’s time. You need to expand your business by expanding. Expanding your location, adding location and hiring additional staff is what you should be doing. This will make it easier for you to reach customers. You can also increase market share and leverage your growing brand equity and become a market leader.


In Indonesia it is very easy to market goods. To provide information to the customer can use social media ads such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The role of social media in Indonesia is very influential in your business. Almost all people in Indonesia have a social media account, by creating an ads on social media, then the boost that is promoted will be very quickly spread in the community.

With social media you can create content that contains about promotions and informs your products. In Indonesia, many influencers, creator content, YouTubers, Selebgram, Selebtwit are popular people with the content they create. In addition to making their content also receive endorsements or promote our products with a budget that is not too expensive such as making print media ads or Elaktronik. Social Media is currently popular in Indonesia.


This system demands that you enter the new business world into online marketing. Already a lot of small store evidence then switched to great as he managed to utilize technology and online marketing systems.

With a good online marketing and media strategy, then you can increase sales without space and time constraints. Next, you will try a new delivery system either with its own fleet or with freight services.

In addition, the increase of SEO (Search Engine Optimazion) is also necessary to facilitate cyberspace customers find your products.


The people of Indonesia are very updated in terms of trends. That way if you have a business that could possibly follow the trend in Indonesia it will quickly get a considerable turnover. Because Indonesian people are very fond of things that are booming at a certain moment because it is in a very cool value. Some businesses that are biased to open one example are food and drink, fashion, beauty, a restaurant that has an instagramable photo spot for the millennial child.

So many opportunities to open your business or open your business branch in Indonesia with various factors mentioned above. You can tailor your business to the target market in Indonesia. With so new business that you open or just open a branch in Indonesia can raise a large turnover.

Foreign entrepreneurs are an interesting party for Indonesians.

It is advisable to deepen the cultural value first to know how to socialize with business partners and employees of Indonesia and to understand the ‘ business culture ‘ in Indonesia. This will make your business more efficient and effective, especially on the long run.

This section aims to provide an accurate picture of the business environment in Indonesia by sharing detailed information about Indonesian companies and commodities. In addition, some problems that inhibit the efficiency and effectiveness of economic and social development are also discussed. Moreover, this section can also serve as a reference point for those who want to start a business and/or plan to stay in Jakarta because this section contains detailed information about certain legal issues such as obtaining the necessary permits to build a company or other legal entity. Of course Indonesia Investments can connect you with institutions that have specializations in this matter and can act as a mediator.

–> Read more: Social Commerce From The View Of Southeast Asian Online Sellers


Boxme is the premier cross-border e-Commerce fulfillment network in Southeast Asia, enabling world-wide merchants to sell online into this region without needing to establish a local presence. We deliver our services by aggregating and operating a one-stop value chain of logistic professions including: International shipping, customs clearance, warehousing, connection to local marketplaces, pick and pack, last-mile delivery, local payment collection and oversea remittance.

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