To be able to receive your Cash on Delivery (CoD) amount of money, first you need to set up an appropriate payment account for Boxme to cross-check and transfer money into.

You can receive your payment from Boxme via 2 options: By using NganLuong e-wallet or using bank accounts. Details are as below:

Step 1: Log on to your account at:

Step 2: Set up your payment account by choosing Payment in the tab General Settings

How to receive your CoD payment 1

Step 3: Choose between Add bank card or Add Nganluong e-wallet

How to receive your CoD payment 2

How to receive your CoD payment 3

Step 4: Fill in the necessary information, tick onto I agreed and accepted payment conditions of Boxme, and then onto Add more

That’s it! You have successfully set up your Boxme payment account. Following this, Boxme will proceed to cross-check and transfer money into your account in accordance with your member rank:

  • For Gold Members: Cross-checking available on every working day, from Monday to Friday, withdrawing free-of-charge from NganLuong e-wallet
  • For Silver Members: Cross-checking available on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, withdrawing free-of-charge from NganLuong e-wallet
  • For Normal Members: Cross-checking available on Tuesday and Friday, withdrawing free-of-charge from NganLuong e-wallet

You can keep track of your own cross-checking history as instructed below:

How to receive your CoD payment 4

Choose CoD Remittance, then pick the time of the transactions, and you will be presented with a detailed cross-checking report during that timespan.

Cross-checking sessions under the note Success mean money has been successfully transfered into your account/e-wallet.


  • Supposed your shipping balance is negative at the time the cross-checking session takes place (time according to the ID on the report), you will only receive your payment if the CoD amount is greater than that negative number, and your actual (and final) amount of payment will equal the CoD amount minus the negative amount currently in your account. For example: If your CoD amount is USD 20, and your shipping balance is USD -5, then you will be paid USD 15 at the end of the cross-checking session.
  • Supposed your shipping balance is negative at the time the cross-checking session takes place, and that negative number is greater than the CoD amount, you will not be able to receive any payment. For example: If you get USD 100 for CoD but your current shipping balance is standing at USD -150, you will not be paid at the end of the session.
  • Your amount of money will be accumulated into next session’s report if payment is not made immediately.


For further instruction, please refer to our:

Hotline: +84-1900-636-068

Email address: [email protected]

Or make direct contact with our sales staff.

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