E-commerce opportunities in Indonesia

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President Joko Widodo saw the opportunity in electronic business or e-commerce businesses in Indonesia is still very large. One of the indicators was a joint research report issued two months ago by Google and Temasek Singapore on the development of digital economy in the Southeast Asian region.

It was revealed by President Joko Widodo while attending the 9th anniversary event (ANNIVERSARY) of BukaLapak at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), on Thursday, January 10, 2019.

“Google and Temasek estimate the value of e-commerce trading in Indonesia in 2018 is USD 23.2 billion or approximately Rp 336 trillion gross merchandise value. And that number rose approximately 114 percent from the previous year, a very high leap once, “the president said.

According to the president, Google and Temasek also predict that the figure will double up in the next six years to reach USD53 billion in 2025. “At about Rp 700 trillion, it’s huge,” he continued.

At the beginning of his speech, the president revealed that the number of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMES) in Indonesia as much as 56 million. Nevertheless, the President has seen many of the challenges faced by SMES, such as those relating to building brands, designs that follow market desires, packaging products that are attractive to capital and access to markets.

The development of technology today makes the community must strive to be able to follow its development or literacy of technology. Technology becomes one of the fundamental needs and helps facilitate all human activities. Of course these technologies are various types, there are technology that is physical form such as robot technology factory and so on, there are also technologies that are not physical form such as Internet, software and so on. Interesting to be reviewed is about Internet technology. The Internet is able to provide a variety of needs for the community either in the form of information or software useful for human life.

The Internet works online and is able to connect one person to another where their distance is even very far apart. This Internet advantage becomes the opportunity seen by business people where they see the breadth of the region of each country does not allow for fast exchanges or transactions, hence the Internet came and became media in conducting business transactions or more commonly known as e-commerce .

E-commerce is any electronic trading activity where there is a process of buying, selling, exchanging goods and services between two parties that are all done online through the Internet network. Some common forms of business are as follows.

Security Service

Is a service to provide security to your computer or site, which aims to make data and systems that you have safer against irresponsible party attacks like hackers as well as other cyber crime actors.

Data Storage

This type puts a data storage service in mind for which you need a lot of room to store their data, which is usually stored through cloud technology or the server belonging to the service provider company.

Web Hosting

It is a type of business that acts as a hosting service provider of the website that allows people to have their own site following the system and its technology.

Shopping Cart

Is a transaction collector service that you will or have done, so that the buyer will know how much the total purchase should be spent.

Web Design

A website design service provider that is useful to add a sense of interest to your site so that more visitors from the website have been created

Merchant Processing

The form of business that serves the relationship activities between the seller, the buyer, with a third party, which in this case is financial services such as banks. Its role is as a media transaction between sellers and buyers

Online Marketing

It is a product marketing activity that is done through the Internet, such as video advertisements uploaded on the official website of a company and so on.

Examples of activities or the description of some of the digital based commercial businesses above you can see in the business that began to be favored in Indonesia. This business online is considered easy because only capital data plan Internet then it is able to make transactions and also post products online through the service provider.

Seeing this, in our own country the development of this business form is also increasing. Its development has created many opportunities for businessmen who want to plunge into this digital-based buying world. Of course, this is supported by the increasing number of Internet users in Indonesia that have reached a figure of about 74 million users.

Although according to some research that from the many users who make new online purchases by 7%, but there are indications that this figure can increase because the community has started to be comfortable to shop for expensive goods such as gadgets, computers, fashion products and other online. Transaction services and distribution of products is also a potential in this business, such as payment through ATM and COD (cash on delivery) or payment when the goods arrive at the hands of the buyer. These great potentials illustrate that business through online buying and selling sites will be very promising. In fact, some research agencies say that Indonesia can be a country with the fastest development of online buying and selling sites.

Moreover, our country currently participates in the ASEAN Economic Community Agreement (MEA), in which the “boundaries” of the country between Southeast Asian countries are lost. This means that economic activities between these countries are made easy. With an increasingly open market, one solution is to utilize technology. The business of providing online buying and selling services is also an answer to how corporations or business people can reach their consumers. Until now, there have been many businessmen buying and selling online that have been successful in this business and have managed to attract consumers from abroad. E-commerce business opportunities in Indonesia with all its ease, become a huge asset if you are very interested in trying to plunge into this type of new business.

–> Read More: Should You Expand Your Business To Indonesia?


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