customer rentation

As we researched databases, the budgets for attracting the new customer is far exceed those customer retention. Despite the fact that the chances of selling products to existed customer is higher than a new customer so many times, some businesses still pay attention to search for new customers and forget to care about and retain […]

6 Ways You Can Make Your Website More Trustworthy

improve your website

On average, it only takes someone a few seconds to determine whether they want to stay or leave your website—which can be the difference between a sale you’ve been waiting for, or the loss of a customer. Part of that decision is made on whether or not they find your website to be trustworthy. That’s […]

Dealing with Unused Inventory

dealing with unused inventory

There is no business house in the world that sells every single piece they get from the wholesaler. And in any retail store, online or offline,space matters. Especially with raging rents that people have to pay for storage. So, every bit of space counts. Technology to the rescue Managing and preempting inventory issues can be […]